The second installment in the 'Maze Runner' trilogy, known as 'The Scorch Trials', opened with a solid $11 million on Friday, including the $1.7 million Thursday preview gross. While that shouldn't be considered a failure, it is disappointing in a way as many expected 'Scorch Trials' to significantly outpace its predecessor, with most projections ranging from $40-$50 million. It debuted below the $11.3 million opening of the first 'Maze Runner' and way below the $21.1 million take of 'Insurgent'. While YA sequels tend to be more front-loaded than their predecessors, 'Scorch Trials' should have better legs than those as the first one's opening day accounted for just 34.8% of its opening week
end. Some factors that can contribute to the film underperforming include sour reviews (49% on Rotten Tomatoes) and weaker word-of-mouth ('B+' Cinemascore compared to the first one's 'A-'). A weekend of around $28 million should be likely.
'Black Mass' brought Johnny Depp back on track with $8.8 million, including $1.4 million from Thursday. The $53-million crime thriller represents Depp's highest opening in a lead role since the $215-million flop 'The Lone Ranger', which brought in just $10.6 million on Friday. It debuted ahead of most expectations, which ranged from $20-25 million. It debuted ahead of 'The Departed''s $8.7 million take as well as 'The Town''s $8.3 million opening. Those films had openings north of $23 million, and it wouldn't be surprising if 'Black Mass' could replicate that holding power. An opening weekend of $26 million should be a lock.
M. Night Shyamalan's 'The Visit' plummeted 61.2% from opening day and grossed $3.6 million. That drop is almost in line with 'Devil''s 55.8% decline. However, the horror comedy has been a massive success thus far, and with an outstanding $34.6 million in the bank, a second weekend of around $11 million is likely.
'The Perfect Guy' suffered the worst drop, falling 69.5% to earn $3.03 million, which is similar to 'No Good Deed''s decline (-66.5%). The romance thriller has so far taken in a stellar $34.7 million against a $12-million budget, and a second weekend of $10 million is a lock.
'Everest' climbed into the Top 5 on Friday, taking in a solid $2.3 million. The $55-million thriller based on the 1996 disaster debuted in 546 IMAX-only locations, making its debut all the more impressive. The only good comparison here is 'Mission: Impossible - Ghost Protocal', which opened to $4.1 million in 425 locations (300 of which were IMAX) and went on to earn $12.8 million. If 'Everest' follows that pattern, it will end up with a strong $7 million debut.
Opening in eighth place, the third faith-based film 'Captive' debuted to a modest $647k in 806 locations. The $2-million crime drama-thriller based on the true events of an Atlanta hostage situation debuted below last weekend's '90 Minutes in Heaven', which took in $759k on its opening day. $1.5 million and up is likely.
Playing in 6 locations, 'Sicario' opened with a very strong $134k, averaging $22,333 per theater. It will likely earn over $350k for the weekend. 'Sicario' expands nationwide on September 25, 2015.
Weekend Prediction
1. 'Maze Runner: The Scorch Trials' - $28.6 million
2. 'Black Mass' - $26.4 million
3. 'The Visit' - $10.8 million (-57.5%)
4. 'The Perfect Guy' - $10 million (-61.4%)
5. 'Everest' - $7.1 million
- 'Captive' - $1.7 million
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